NO. 454 E.C.
Year of Warrant - 1866
The Chapter meets at the Kandy Masonic Temple on the third Saturday in May, August and November. The Installation takes place in November.
The Chapter in connection with St. John's Lodge, was probably consecrated around 10th March 1867 although its original Warrant was dated 07th November 1866. The Principals Designate were Charles S Hay (MEZ), J W Venn (H) and Edmund Jeffries (J). Among the petitioners for the Chapter was Henry Byrde who of course was one of the Founders as were the Principals Designate. Available records do not unfortunately provide the names of the other founding members.
The Chapter has been through several periods of abeyance working sporadically until the advent of the Grand Lodge Deputation in 1928. Since then it has worked steadily, within recent years with the support of visiting Companions from Colombo to assist in Ceremonies. Sadly this is another Chapter that was unable to celebrate its Centenary due to the discontinuity of working.