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Recently Completed Charity Projects

Reverse Osmosis

Water Treatment Plants

The First plant commissioned last year in the Mawathagama region is operational and benefits 375 families in the locality. 


The second was commissioned earlier this year in the remote village of Wahalkada, situated in the village temple premises and provides clean drinking water to 400 families. 


Both plants are maintained by our project partner the Sri Lanka Navy and will prevent the future occurrence of Chronic Renal disease endemic in these villages.


We are indeed thankful to the United Grand Lodge of England, The District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago and our other donors who have contributed towards these projects. 

Flood Relief

"Project Safe Haven"

The country has an acute need for adequately equipped relief centers the areas which are regularly affected by flooding. In conjunction with the Disaster Management Centre, three schools identified for such purposes were taken up for suitable upgrading. 


These schools now not only serve as season relief centers, but the enhanced facilities benefit the students as well. 


The first of the schools to be completed was the Pahalagama Ellawella Vidyala which is now a fully functional relief centre which can house 500 individuals with the required cooking, sanitation and residential facilities as need. 


This was followed by two more school; the Karandana Kanishta Vidyalaya and the Niriella Punyananda Vidyala.


The District Board of Benevolence wishes to acknowledge the contributions made by the United Grand Lodge of England and the District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago. 


The undertaking and completion of these projects would not have been possible without the assistance and corporation of the Disaster Management Centre, the Provincial Ministry of Education and our project coordinators Ms. I-CERT. 

Relief Supplies for

those Affected by COVID19

During the lockdown caused by the first wave of the COVID19 virus (April/May 2020), the District Board of Benevolence was informed of a dual crisis unfolding in certain areas of the Western Province; namely that farmers were facing difficulties due the inability to sell their produce, while daily-wage earners and other low-income families were finding it impossible to purchase supplies due to the prevailing curfew.


The District Board of Benevolence stepped in to purchase the surplus produce from farmers and distribute the same as relief supplies to those affected by the COVID19 lockdown.


Our thanks to the Sri Lanka Army and Police who assisted us with the necessary logistics during the curfew period.


Diathermy Machine

for The Cancer Institute

& PPE for Covid19 Centres

The Cancer Institute in Maharagama was in urgent need to speed up laproscopic surgical procedures which were restricted due to lack of a “Ligasure” machine. With the Districts’ donation of a diathermy machine, the Cancer Institute has been enabled to substantially increase the number of such procedures.


The District Board of Benevolence additionally responded to an urgent appeal for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required by hospital staff during the COVID19 pandemic in 2021

© 2022 District Grand Lodge of Sri Lanka.

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